Welcome to Nice and Easel! In some ways this blog is brand spanking new, but in my head it has been a long time coming. I actually set up this site over a year ago and then life, busy-busy, procrastination, cold feet, and all the worry came into play. Right now though, I’m low on excuses and high on a love of art, so here we are.
Nice and Easel is a nod to the nice and easy, super chill way I’m approaching my art self-education. If you’re looking for a knowledgeable, pretentious art connoisseur you’re barking up the wrong fresco. But if you might need to Google “fresco,” or you don’t know a Rembrandt from a Renoir, or if you enjoy the occasional cheesy pun, and overuse of exclamation points, then this is going to be your jam. (!!!!!)
Let’s learn some stuff about art together. The classics, the moderns, paintings, sculptures, photography, the famous and the obscure, even the weird stuff we swear any average never-picked-up-a-paintbrush-before Joe could do blindfolded and bungee-jumping off the Bridge to Nowhere. Let’s not pretend to be sophisticated and know what we’re talking about, but just say what we like and what isn’t exactly our pot of paint. Let’s just talk about interesting art-related things we learn and have some fun doing it! These are my humble hopes and dreams for Nice and Easel. I hope you’ll read along!