Chief and the National Museum of Wildlife Art

Confession: I put another piece of animal art up in my home.
A worse confession: I took a picture of my kids OUT of a frame to put in said animal art.

I know. Mom of the Year. But look at him:

Chief by Robert Bateman. I think he’s gloating at my kids for taking their frame.
My middle daughter and I were in Jackson Hole last week and we saw the original hanging in the National Museum of Wildlife Art. I don’t know what I was expecting at that place, but it was so. much. better. than I expected! There was wildlife art from all over the world and a sculpture trail outside. If you ever have the chance to go, GO! Next time I am eating at the museum’s restaurant and nobody can stop me.
It’s not some historical fort, but a gorgeous art museum founded in 1987!
The actual museum was built to have an old Scottish castle look. The picture makes it look small, but it houses more than 5,000 works of art! I love that they didn’t try to give it a sleek, modern look in the middle of the Grand Tetons. This is much more fitting, and gave me an excuse to work on my Scottish accent. (“Pass me the hagiss and bagpipes, lassie!”)
But back to Chief. I was not familiar with Robert Bateman, but he’s kind of a big deal. In fact, he has his own (sizeable!) museum in British Columbia. Wildlife art is his jam, but he is also an essayist and philanthropist. 
Here is another of his paintings I think is lovely (this one wasn’t at the museum, but is on exhibit at
Alaska Light
There may or may not be some more art from our trip coming up in future blog posts. But for now, I have to look around for an extra frame.

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