An Artist That… Well, Rocks!

As promised! Our guy… Norman Rockwell! Don’t you just imagine him as a guy who always has a mischievous smile and a joke on hand? He seems like the kind of man who knows everybody in town and always has a dog treat in his pocket for strays. Just… likeable. If you’ve heard otherwise, don’t tell me! Lalalala! I’m covering my ears!

Actually, I Googled Rockwell a bit and read nothing contrary about him. Such a relief. Although I was sad to find he struggled with some bouts of depression. You could never tell by looking at any of his 323 Saturday Evening Posts covers. They aren’t all humorous, but many of them are, and the ones that aren’t are filled with hope and happiness, I think.

I love an artist who can seamlessly move between light-heartedness and important, deeply emotional themes and Rockwell nails that balance time after time.

Try not to smile at this one:

But Rockwell isn’t all fun and games. I love the brave and determined Ruby Bridges headed to school in The Problem We All Live With (not pictured) or his Four Freedoms series:

I know you have one- what is your favorite Rockwell illustration?

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