I got it in my head, I was going to learn to make fruit bouquets. Like the time I got it in my head I was going to perfect charcuterie boards, or the time I was going to make every recipe in the Pioneer Woman’s cookbook, or find the world’s most legendary cinnamon bun recipe. A lot of my bright ideas revolve around food. There’s nothing that can be done about it. I have food on my mind most of the time.
I enlisted my sister, Jamie, and daughter, Charlotte to join my endeavor. It was super fun! I laughed a lot, though with those two, we could be taste-testing raw meat and I’d have a blast. They’re very fun people. Here are our finished products:
Charlotte made a candy bouquet- yum! It’s unamerican to NOT love a fruit bouquet! Trust me: this was even prettier before it was wrapped up!
It’s not fair, but yes, of the two of us, Jamie did get the good looks AND the brains. She wisely started with a small bouquet. I was still stabbing grapes, balling melons, and cursing my kabob sticks when she was putting the finishing touches on hers. Anyway. You know it got me thinking about food art. And my all-time favorite food artist: Giuseppe Arcimboldo. You can read about him in this previous post or this previous post.
Tons of artists are using food as inspiration, or even as a medium these days. Take Carl Warner, for instance. Warner is a British artist, famous for his landscapes of food. Think “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs.” At first glance, it’s hard to recognize the picture is food- it really does look like a lovely little village or farm community. Next thing you know, your stomach is growling because you realize you’re looking at mountains of bread or a wagon full of berries.
If these don’t make you hungry, let me also mention Warner has done ads for DiGiornio, Moe’s Southwest Grill, Nestle, and Honey Nut Cheerios. Some of my favorites! And if you STILL aren’t hungry, let me direct you to Warner’s delectable website right here.
I don’t know about you, but after all that food, I need something to wash it down. Amelia Harnas uses red wine to stain portraits into fabric. Brilliant. My wine stains always turn out as stains in the shape of embarrassment. If you visit her website, you can see what kind of wine she used for each piece. I would like to see her launch her own line of wines: a Sauvignon Blanc Canvas. A Moscarto, A Full Pourtrait. Just a few thoughts.

If you prefer less alcohol in your art, you may be interested in Andrew Gorkovenko– a Russian designer, brand developer, and tea artist. (I know! I’m also waiting for him to make some vodka art!) He uses tea leaves to make landscapes advertising where the tea is from. Smart, right?
He’s got his craft down to a tea.
Happy Fourth of July weekend, friends! Bon Apetit!